How do I go about planning my Wedding Ceremony?
You might have a long list of wonderful ideas but none on the basic structure of how a wedding ceremony works. Don’t worry, my role is to bring your ideas to life, make suggestions that might work for you and steer your Big Day based on how you see it happening. As soon as I understand what you want, I then create a ceremony you will cherish forever.
Let’s Get Started!
You get to control what is left in and what you want changed. The following is a basic structure. The exciting part is that if you would like a ritual, poetry, or reading these can be placed anywhere within the structure. It’s a chance to have some fun and be playful with what your vision is.
Walking Down the Aisle is a personal choice. Traditionally, the father of the bride walked his daughter down the aisle to hand the care of her to her husband. These days you might decide that Mum, an aunty, best friend, care giver, brother, you get the picture, is the right person for the job. If you prefer you could walk down alone or together with your partner or not at all.
I then introduce myself, your bridesmaids, groomsmen and acknowledge and welcome your guests. This might be the time to recognise those that could not attend whether absent or deceased.
Then comes your “Love Story”. How you met, what you mean to each other, the importance of family. Funny stories about your relationship! Hopes and dreams for the future. What drives you nuts about your partner, what are your likes and dislikes. Adding humour throughout the ceremony brings the guests closer to you emotionally, making them feel connected to you and part of your Big Day.
Monitum (legal requirement)
“I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law. Partner 1 and Partner 2 before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter. Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”
The Vows (legal requirement)
Partner 1
I call upon the persons here present to witness that I Partner 1 (full birth name) take you Partner 2 (full birth name) to be my lawful wedded spouse (partner/husband/wife).
Partner 2
I call upon the persons here present to witness that I Partner 2 (full birth name) take you Partner 1 (full birth name) to be my lawful wedded spouse (partner/husband/wife).
The Monitum and the Legal Vows are a legal requirement and must be read in this order. However, a poem, rituals such as handfasting, sand ceremony or any other ideas may be incorporated between the two legal sections which softens and personalises the legal wording.
Then comes the Personal Vows and Ring Exchange where you declare your love for each other, and this adds an extra layer of love and commitment after the dry legal component. I ask at this point for you to say, “I Do”, however, if you don’t want to use these words they can be left out and have no legal bearing on you getting married.
Once the “I Do’s” have been said your marriage is sealed with a kiss, or not, then we head over to the signing table, relax, breath more easily and sign the Marriage Certificates. This usually takes around 4-5 minutes and the perfect moment for a few more photos.
Nearly there! After the signing, the marriage certificate is presented with congratulations, and I conclude the ceremony with an announcement of a group photo, time and place of reception and any other information you need to have passed on to your guests.
You’re Married! The music starts playing and you either walk back down the aisle or start mingling with your loved ones.
The Sky Is The Limit On Your Ideas!
Creativity is my “middle name” and I love nothing better than a challenge and mixing up a ceremony with a new take on traditional ideas.
If you are getting married and looking for a celebrant, I would love to speak with you about your big day. Contact me today!